Chip component barrel plating automatic line
Application:The mass plating production of chip component and micro metal parts;Pretreatment, silver plating, nickel plating and tin plating of chip components.
Project experiences:Electroplating production line for SMD and connectors etc.
滚镀设备主要特点:根据不同用户的生产需求对滚筒系统进行工艺最优化设计,系统稳定、生产效率高,镀层细致、光亮、均匀性好。采用人机界面触摸屏式控制管理,并可对数据,PH,时间,运行情况等进行有效监控,工艺参数调整方便快捷。Feature: The roller is optimal designed of technology according customers requirements. Having reliable system, high efficiency, bright fine and uniform appearance. The line takes man-machine interface touch-screen control management. It can effectively monitor the data, PH, time and running conditions etc,and is easy to adjust process parameter according to different process feature.
Feature: The vibrating screen with open structure can avoid any shielding effects caused by the solution circulation. So the higher upper limit of electric current density is used, deposition rate is speeded up, and the resistance of plating solution is small; vibration plating is not rolling like barrel plating, for this reason it reduces the gall of work pieces by rolling; vibration plating make securrent on parts surface evenly distribute, and improves thickness uniformity of electrodeposits; it will not catch or stick parts sometimes like barrel plating, the qualified ratio of product was improved obviously.
Technical Specification: Cantilevered crane, the running rate of crane: 0-25 m/min, lifting rate of crane: 0-12 m/min, the lifting weight: 50-80 kg.
振筛规格参数:所装工件0.25 kg -25kg;振筛直径Ф150mm、Ф200mm、Ф250mm, Ф300mm、Ф500mm
Option: Special roller, solution online testing and automatic feeding, roller with speed regulator, computer control system, and rectifier automatic control.
图1 自动滚镀生产线-1


图3 自动振镀生产线-1
图4 自动振镀 以上是产品滚、振镀全自动生产线设备的品牌、型号,规格、价格及发货等相关信息,你可以到合肥恒力电子装备公司(电镀事业部)网址http://www.hqddw.cn/qiye/hefeidiandu/上查阅更多产品信息。