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放大字体  缩小字体发布日期:2012-04-09  浏览次数:1310

摘要:介绍了低温镀铁的工艺配方及流程。利用扫描电镜观察了镀层的组织形貌,利用硬度计测试了镀层硬度,利用锉刀法和热震法检验了镀层的结合强度,考察了pH对沉积速率、显微硬度和耐蚀性能的影响。结果表明,所得镀层结合力良好, pH为1.0时,沉积速率最高,耐蚀性能最好;镀层硬度随pH的升高而增大,最大值为587.43 Hv。




中图分类号:TQl53.19    文献标志码:A




Effect of pH on structure morphology and properties of low—temperature iron plating//ZHANG Wei,YIN Jin-jie,LIU Yi+


Abstract:The process formulation and flow of low- temperature iron plating were introduced.The structure morphology of deposit was observed by SEM,the hardness of deposit was tested by hardness tester and the adhesion strength of deposit was examined by file and thermal shock methods.The effect of pH on the deposition rate,micro- hardness and corrosion resistance was studied.The results showed that the deposit has good adhesion,and at pH l.0,it has best corrosion resistance and the highest deposition rate can be obtained.The hardness rises as the pH increases, reaching the maximum of 587.43 HV.


Keywords:iron platin9;structure morphology;deposition rate;microhardness;corrosion resistance;adhesion strength


First-author’s address:Department ofMaterial Science& Engineerin9,Liaoning Technical Univemity,Fuxin l23000,China


1  前言




2  实验


实验采用自制不对称交一直流电源。阴极为Q235低碳钢(ф10 mm×80 mm),阳极为普通低碳钢片(100mm×30 mm/1×2 mm),阴阳极面积比为l:4。




    低温镀铁的工艺参数为:400 g/L FeCl2·4H20,


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