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放大字体  缩小字体发布日期:2012-04-11  浏览次数:1369

摘要:介绍了聚丙烯腈基碳纤维表面化学镀镍的工艺流程,前处理包括去胶、除油、粗化、中和、敏化、活化和还原。探讨了碳纤维的去胶方法,优化了化学镀镍的配方。研究了主盐、还原剂、pH和施镀时间对碳纤维增重率的影响。结果表明,在400 ℃下灼烧30 min,可去胶完全。硫酸镍质量浓度为30 g/L、次磷酸钠质量浓度为35 g/L、pH为4.5左右及施镀时间为l h时,所得碳纤维的增重率最大。


中图分类号:TQ342.742;TQl53.12    文献标志码:A


Study of electroless nickel plating on surface of carbon fiber//DONG Yan—hui,ZHANG Mei-yun+

AbstractThe process flow of electroless nickel plating on the surface of polyacrylonitrile—based carbon fiber was introduced.The pretreatments include adhesive removal, degreasing,roughening,neutralizing,sensitizing,activating and reducing.The method of removing the adhesive on carbon fiber was studied,and the formulation for electroless nickel plating was optimized.The effects of principal salt, reducing agent,pH and plating time on weight gain rate of carbon fiber were discussed.The results showed that the adhesive was removed completely by burning at 400 ℃ for30 min.The highest weight gain rate of carbon fiber was obtained by electroless plating with 30 g/L nickel sulfate and35 g/L sodium hypophosphite at pH 4.5 for l h.

Keywordspolyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber;surface modification;electroless nickel plating;pretreatment; morphology

First-author’S  address College of Papermaking Engineering,Shaanxi University of Science&Technology, Xi’an,710021,China


1   前言


碳纤维是一种新型的高强度、高模量材料,具有良好的导电能力。以碳纤维增强的复合材料不仅具有优异的刚性和强度,较小的热膨胀系数和密度,同时具有较好的导电性。当复合材料中碳纤维的体积分数达20%~30%时,其体积电阻率可下降到l0 Ω·cm[1]。但碳纤维的这种导电能力往往不能满足轻质导电及电磁屏蔽等应用的要求。


    为了增强碳纤维的导电性能,可在碳纤维表面镀覆金属。研究表明,镀镍碳纤维有良好的导电性能,其体积电阻率可达到10-4Ω·cm [2-3],是最好的电磁干扰(EMI)屏蔽填充物。用表面金属化的碳纤维作填料,所制得的屏蔽材料具有很好的屏蔽效果,可用作飞机的吸波材料。



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