通过向Ni—W合金镀液中添加Zr02纳米微粒,制备了Ni-W/Zr02纳米复合电极,并采用电化学方法研究了纳米复合电极在30%NaOH溶液中的析氢催化性能。阴极析氢极化曲线与表观活化自由能的测试表明, Ni—W/Zr02纳米复合电极在NaOH溶液中的催化析氢.活性高于Ni—W合金电极;提高NaOH溶液的温度,可降低Ni—W/Zr02纳米复合电极的析氢过电位,提高电极析氢的电催化活性;扫描电镜的表面形貌照片显示,Zr02纳米微粒的加入使复合镀层的表面得到细化,真实表面积增大,有利于氢的析出。Ni-W/Zr02纳米复合电极作为析氢电极,具有高的催化活性和电化学稳定性,有一定的工业应用前景。 参考文献: [1] BIRRY L,LASIA A Studies ofthe hydrogen evolution reaction on Raney nickel-molybdenum electrodes[J]Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2004,34(7):735—749. [2] HUANG L,YANG F Z,SUN S G,et al.Studies on structure and electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution of nanocrystalline Ni—Mo__Fe alloy electrodeposit electrodes[J].Chinese Journal of Chemistry,2003,21(4): 382—386. [3] MEGURO S,SASAKI T,KATAGIRI H,et al.Electrodeposited Ni-Fe-:C cathodes for hydrogen evolution[J].Journal of the Electrochemical Society,2000,147(8):3003.3009. [4] HAN Q,LIU K R,CHEN J S,et al.A study on the electrodeposited Ni-S alloys as hydrogen evolution reaction cathodes(J].International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2003,28(1 1):1207—1212. [5] HAN Q,CHEN J S,LIU K R,et al.The heat.treatment effect of amorphous Ni—S(La)electrode on the hydrogen evolution reaction in an alkaline media[J]International Journal ofHydrogen Energy,2004,29(6): 597—603. [6] HE H W,LIU H J,LIU F,et al Distribution of sulphur and electrochemical properties of nickel sulphur coatings electrodeposited on the nickel foam as hydrogen evolution reaction cathodes[J].Materials Leners,2005,59(29/30):3968.3972. [7] SHI Y L,YANG Z,LI M K et al.Electroplated synthesis of Ni-P-UFD. Ni-P一2NTs,and Ni-P—UFDA2NTs composite coatings as hydrogen evolution electrodes[J]Materials Chemistry and Physics,2004,87(1): 154—161. [8] WU G,LI N,DAI C S,et al.Electrochemical preparation and注:本站部分资料需要安装PDF阅读器才能查看,如果你不能浏览文章全文,请检查你是否已安装PDF阅读器! |