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放大字体  缩小字体发布日期:2011-11-21  浏览次数:1603

摘  要:以小板燃烧法为评价方法,考察了不同树脂体系、 P—C—N阻燃体系、防火颜填料等因素对涂层防火性能的影响规律。通过配方优化以及与自制防火面漆相复合,获得了综合性能佳的室外用超薄型钢结构防火涂料。该产品已通过了国家检验中心的检测,当涂层厚度为1.5mm时,防火时间达96min。




中图分类号:TQ637.8    文献标志码:A




Exploitation  of  ultrathin  fire-retardant  coating material for exterior steel construction//PENG B0, ZHOU Shu—xue,WU Li.min*,YOU B0,GU Guan9—xin


AbstractThe effects of the composition of resins,the ingredient ratio of fire.retardant P—C—N system and the type of filler(or pigment)on the fire retardancy of coating were studied by burning the small panels those were previously covered with fire.retardant coatings.An ultrathin fire— retardant coating for exterior steel construction was successfully developed via the optimization of the coating formulation and the combination with a homemade inorganic top.coating material.A fire—retardant time of 96 min was achieved at a coating thickness of l.5 mm.which has passed the test by the National Fire—proof Test Center.


Keywordssteel structure;fire—retardant coating material; ultrathin;exterior coating material


First.author’S address:Department of Materials Science and Advanced Coatings Research Center of Educational Ministry ofChina,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China


1   前言


    经济和社会的迅速发展推动了建筑材料的不断升级和换代,钢材作为主要承重构件在建筑中已得到了大量应用。钢材虽在常温下具有优异的物理和力学性能,但其耐火性能远比砖石结构和钢筋混凝土结构要差。当钢材达到临界温度(540 ℃)后,便失去承载能力。而通常在建筑火灾中,10 min之内火场的温度即可达到700 ℃以上。在这样的火场下,只要几分钟裸露钢材的温度就会达到临界值,其承载能力急剧下降,导致建筑物坍塌。因此,钢结构的防火十分必要。


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