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放大字体  缩小字体发布日期:2012-04-18  浏览次数:1282

摘要:以l0%(体积分数)LIX984N/煤油为液膜相,2 mol/L硫酸溶液为反萃相,研究了中空纤维更新液膜(IIFRLM)技术对模拟电镀废水中二价铜离子的去除及浓缩效果,并讨论了停留时间对二价铜离子去除率的影响。结果表明,中空纤维更新液膜技术可同时实现废水中二价铜离子的分离与富集。经7级处理后,废水中二价铜离子的含量低于l.0 mg/L,二价铜离子的去除率为99.0%,达到国家排放标准;富集液中二价铜离子的浓度达1 700 mg/L,富集因子为25。中空纤维更新液膜技术在含铜废水处理方面具有广阔的应用前景。


中图分类号:X703.1    文献标志码:B


Treatment of simulated electroplating wastewater.containing copper(II)using hoHow fiber renewal liquid memlarane//CUI Chun.hua,ZHANG Wei—dong*, REN Zhong.qi.LIU Jun.teng。MENG Hui-lin

AbstractA simulated wastewater containing Cu(II)was treated using hollow fiber renewalliquid membrane(HFRLM) technology with l 0%(volume fraction)1-tributyl phosphate(code:LIX984N)as carrier,kerosene as diluent and a 2 mol/L H2S04 solution as stripper.The effectiveness of removal and enrichment of Cu(II)from the wastewater was studied,and the effect of residence time on the removal of Cu(II)was discussed.The results showed that the separation and enrichment of Cu(II)can be carried out simultaneously.The concentration of Cu(II)in wastewater is less than l.0 mg/L and the removal efficiency is 99.O%after a seven.stage treatment.which meets the national discharge standard.The concentration of Cu(II)in the stripping phase is higher than 1 700 mg/L and the enrichment factor is 25.The hollow fiber renewal liquid membrane technology can be wildly used in the treatment of wastewater containing Cu(H).

Keywordscopper(II);electroplating wastewater;hollow fiber;liquid membrane;treatment;removal;enrichment

First-author’S addressState Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijin9 1 00029,China


1   前言




    电镀工业每年排放大量的含铜废水,其特点是排放量大、含量低(一般为5~80 mg/L[2])。含铜废水的直接排放不仅造成严重的环境污染,而且造成大量重金属资源的浪费[3-4]。早在1977年,Li等[5]以Span80作为表面活性剂,以Alamine336作


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