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放大字体  缩小字体发布日期:2011-11-21  浏览次数:1354

摘要:利用4,4,.二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯(MDI)与双羟基聚甲基苯基硅氧烷分子中的羟基反应制得叫Nc0封端的预聚体,再将该预聚体与环氧丙烯酸酯(EA)混合,得到有机硅化学改性环氧丙烯酸酯。在此基础上,以氨基树脂为固化剂,制得常温固化涂层;以2一羟基一2一甲基一l一苯基一l一丙酮(即1103)为光引发剂,在紫外光照射下制得常温光固化涂层;以氨基树脂为固化剂,l l03为光引发剂,在紫外光照射下制得常温混杂聚合涂层。讨论了上述3种涂层的硬度随固化时间的变化,用热重一差热分析(TG.DTA)技术研究了三者的耐温性。结果表明:常温混杂聚合涂层的硬度随时间的延长增加得最快,光固化涂层次之,常温固化涂层最慢。3种涂层都能耐420 ℃左右的温度。




中图分类号:TQ630.79    文献标志码:A




Study on hybrid polymerized silicone modified epoxy acrylate//LI Zhao.Lei,GAO Yan.Min*,ZHANG Li.Hua Abstract:A chemically silicone.modified epoxy acrylate was obtained by mixing epoxy acrylate(EA)and a—NC0-end prepolymer which was prepared by the reaction of 4,4’-liphenylmethane diisocyanate(MDI)and hydroxyl groups existing in dihydroxy poly(methylphenylsiloxane) molecule.Based on the modified epoxy acrylate,three types of coating were separately prepared:room—temperature curable coating with amino resin as curing agent,room- temperature UV curable coating with 2一hydroxv一2一methyl-1-phenyl-l-propanone(code:1103)as photoinitiator under UV radiation.and room temperature hybrid polymerized coating with amino resin as curing agent and 1103 as photo— initiator under UV radiation.The hardness variations of the three coatings with curing time were discussed and their thermal resistance was studied by thermogravimetric. differential thermal analysis fTG.DTAl technique.The results showed that the hardness of the room.Temperature hybrid polymerized coating increases rapidly with curing time,followed by the room—temperature UV cured coatin9, and the increase of hardness for room-temperature cured coating with time is the slowest.All of the three coatings can be resistant to the temperature of about 420℃


Keywordsepoxy acrylate;silicone resin;modification; hybrid polymerization;ultraviolet curin9;hardness;thermal resistance


First-author’S addressJiangsu University ofScience and Technology,Jiangsu Provincial key Laboratory of Advanced Welding Technology,Zhenjian9 212003,China


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