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放大字体  缩小字体发布日期:2012-04-19  浏览次数:1145

摘要:采用先硬质氧化再染黑色的方法对光学系统用铝合金材料进行了处理。检测了氧化膜层的厚度、显微硬度和反射率,分析了溶液成分、电流密度、温度和氧化时间对氧化膜反射率的影响。结果表明,采用含260~3009几硫酸、l0~15 9/L草酸和l0~20 9/L多元醇的溶液在温度5~7 ℃、电流密度2~3 A/dm2的条件下氧化50 min,可获得厚度l5 um、显微硬度450 HV、反射率低于8.4%的硬质氧化膜层,该氧化膜适用于高精度军用光学变焦系统。




中图分类号;TGl74.41;TQl53.6    文献标志码:A




Hard anodizing process on aluminum alloy materials for optical system//JIANG Wei*,SHEN De-xin,WANG Li-bo


AbstractA method of hard anodizing followed by black dyeing was used to treat aluminum alloys for optical system. The thickness,microhardness and reflectance of oxide film were measured.and the effects of solution composition. current density,temperature  and  oxidation time  on reflectance of oxide film were analyzed.The results showed tllat a hard oxide film with thickness of l 5 μm.micro— hardness of 450 HV and reflectance below 8.4%can be obtained in a solution containing 260.300 g/L sulfuric acid.1 0-1 5∥L oxalic acid and l 0-20 g/L polyol at temperature5—7℃ and current density 2.3 A/dm2.The oxide film iS suitable for military optical zoom system with high precision.


Keywordsoptical zoom system;aluminum alloy;hard anodizing;microhardness;reflectance


First-author’s addressChangchun UP Optotech C0., Ltd.,Changchun l30031,China


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