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放大字体  缩小字体发布日期:2012-04-19  浏览次数:1377

摘要:以硫酸_甲醇酸性体系作为电解液,对钨箔进行电解抛光研究。抛光后钨的表面均方根粗糙度和反射率的测试结果表明,该体系完全适用于金属钨的电化学抛光。对钨的阳极溶解行为进行了分析,讨论了溶液组成、槽电压、温度和搅拌速率对电抛光后钨表面粗糙度的影响。初步确定了金属钨电解抛光的工艺参数为:硫酸与甲醇的体积比l:7,槽电压l5~22V,温度l5~25 ℃,搅拌速率10m/s。




中图分类号:TG580.692.2    文献标志码:A




Feasibility of tungsten electropolishing in sulfuric acid- methanol electrolyte//SONG Ping,XING Pi-feng*,CHEN Jia-jun,LI Chao-yang,XIE Jun。


AbstractThe electropolishing of tungsten was studied in a sulfuric acid-methanol electrolyte.The test results of root mean square roughness and reflectance of the electropolished tungsten foil surface confirmed the feasibility of sulfuric acid-methanol electrolyte to tungsten.111e anodic dissolution behavior of tungsten was analyzed.The effects of electrolyte composition,cell voltage,temperature and stirring rate on the surface roughness of electropolished tungsten were discussed.The suitable parameters were preliminarily determined:volume ratio of sulfuric acid to methanol l:7. temperature l 5.25℃,cell voltage l 5-24 V,and stirring rate 10 m/s.


Keywordstungsten;electropolishin9;surface roughness; reflectance


First.author’S address:Department of Physics and Electronic Information,West China Normal University, Nanchon9 637002,China


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