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放大字体  缩小字体发布日期:2012-04-25  浏览次数:1095

摘要:研制了一种一步法浸锌工艺。采用电化学辅助的方法改变铝在浸锌液中的界面电位并加速铝表面氧化膜的活化,以获得均匀致密的浸锌层。研究了电流密度、时间、温度、搅拌等工艺参数对3003铝合金上铜镀层结合力的影响。该浸锌液的工作温度为0~15℃。当控制通过试样的阳极电流密度为0.6~1.5 A/dm2,浸锌时间30~60 S时,在静止或搅拌的情况下都能获得结合力较佳的铜镀层。该方法无需硝酸浸蚀步骤,可一步完成铝及其合金的浸锌处理,有着良好的应用前景。


中图分类号:TGl78;TQl53.14   文献标志码:A


Preliminary study on one-step zinc dipping process with electrochemical assistance//WU Hui.min.ZHOU Hal-hui,WU Xian-ping,HUANG Peng-cheng,KUANG Ya.Fei*

Abstract:A one-step zinc dipping process was developed.The interfacial potential of aluminum in zinc dipping solution was changed by electrochemical assistance method,which can also accelerate the activating speed of oxide film on aluminum surface and hence uniforln and compact zinc。dipping film can be obtained.The effects of current density,dipping time,temperature and agitation on the adhesion of copper electrodeposit on 3003 aluminum alloy were studied.The effective temperature range of zinc dipping process is 0-15℃.Copper electrodeposit with good adhesion can be obtained after zinc dipping at anodic current density of0.6-1.5 A/dm2 for 30-60 S with or without agitation.This process has no need of nitric acid etchin9,Can complete zinc dipping ofaluminum and its alloys by one step,and hence has a good application prospect.

Keywords:aluminum alloy;zinc dipping;electrochemistry;copper electroplating;adhesion strength

First.author'S address:College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Changsha 410082,China






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