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放大字体  缩小字体发布日期:2012-04-19  浏览次数:1189

关 键 词:生物,除油剂,研究

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摘要:从被油污染的土壤中获取菌源,对混合菌种进行富集驯化,研究了富集驯化过程中油的降解率变化。通过正交试验研究了混合茵液的降解能力。结果发现,第一天油的降解率达到77%,随后逐渐减慢。最佳工艺参数为:温度40℃,pH 7.5~8.5,接种量60%,Na2Si03.9H20 5~7 g/L,Na3P04-12H20 5—20 g/L,OP一10 2 g/L,摇床转速150 r/min。除油试验表明,在电镀人才中利用微生物除油是可行的。


中图分类号:TGl78   文献标志码:A


Preliminarily study on biological degreasing agent//WANG Guang—yu,CHEN Lei,MA Mei—rong*,LI Ning,MA Fang,DIAO Hong-cheng

AbstractA bacteria source was obtained from oil-polluted soil.Mixed bacterial species were enriched and domesticated while the oil degradation rate was studied.The degradation capability of the mixed bacterial species was investigated by orthogonal test.The results showed that the degradation rate is up t0 77%in the first day,then slowly decreased.The optimal process parameters were determined as follows:temperature40 ℃,pH 7.5—8.5,inoculation dose 60%,Na2Si03·9H20 5-7 g/L,Na3P04·12H20 5-20 g/L,OP-102 g/L,and speed of mtary shaker l 50 r/min.The degreasing test proved that oil removal using microorganisms is feasible for the application to electroplating pretreatment.

Keywordsbiological degreasing agent;microorganism;electroplating;pretreatment;orthogonal test

First-author’S addressOcean College,Harbin Institutes of Technology at Weihai,Weihai 264209,China


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