Tamol NN8906阴离子型表面活性剂,淡黄色晶体粉末。
Tamol NN8906 性能优异的离子型分散剂,显著降低悬浮体系粘度,提升加工效率。悬浮体系稳定剂,防止发生结块。
Tamol NN8906溶解度:任意比例混溶于水。
- 水乳液、悬浮液、金属加工液、电镀液的万能稳定剂
- 水基颜料的分散剂
- 印花胶浆、工业涂料的分散剂
- 匀染固色剂
- 阳离子体系的沉淀剂
- 酸性镀锌分散剂 (用量: 1~10 g/L)
Chemical nature
Tamol NN 8906 is a condensation product of naphthalenesulfonic acid with formaldehyde.
Tamol NN 8906 has a low degree of polycondensation.
The product is identified by the inclusion of a four-digit number in the prodluct name.
The first two digits indicate the typical active content and the last two digits the typical sodium sulfate content.
The overall solids content is the sum of the active content and salt content. All the figures are appraximate.
TamolNN 8906 __________Unit___________Value
Physical form __________________________powder
Dry content________________________________ 95
Active content___________ % ________________89
Water(DIN ISO3733)______% _________________5
Sodium sulfate__________ %__________________6
Degree of polycondensation ______________low
pH value(10% in dist.H,O)___________________7
Formaldehyde content___ %____________ 0-0.1
Bulk density _____________g/L _____________500
lodine color value(10% solids in dist. H,O)______ 40
Handling and Storage
a)Tamol NN 8906 is hygroscopic and soluble in water, with the result that it absorbs moisture very quickly.
Drums and bags should be tightly resealed each time material is taken from them.
We strongly recommend to profect the product from molsture.
b) Please refer to the latest Safety Data 3hest for detalled information on product safety.
Shelf life
If stored correctly in the sealed original containers, Tamol NN 8906 can be kept for 12 months.
As powder, Tamol" NN 8906 in principle has an unlimited shelf life; however, because it has a tendency to caking, especially after prolonged storage on pallet racks,
we only quarantee it for one year.
The tree-flowing properties of powder that is only slightly caked can usually be restored by moving the bags.