硬铬电解液-ANKOR 1126
Sulphuric acid 硫酸 1.1 % - 1.4 %
(related to the chromic acid content)与铬酸含量有关
For regeneration the electrolyte is maintained with Reinforcement Salt ANKOR 1126/2 and
Addition Solution ANKOR 1126/3 being added to the electrolyte ANKOR 1126 in the ratio 10 kg : 1 l.
为了使电解质再生,将强化盐ANKOR 1126/2和 添加液ANKOR 1126/3按10 kg: 1 l的比例添加到电解质ANKOR 1126中。
To increase the density by 1 Be, add approx. 要增加1Be的密度,添加约。
1.5 kg/100l Reinfor
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